Using a YouTube video is a great and easy way to link to your videos through your YouTube account. This effective piece of interactivity allows you to resize the video to any dimension.

Plus you have the option to display the video on the page itself or to popup on screen.

- Load from YouTube Embed Code – To load a YouTube video from its code, you will need to paste its embedded code from the YouTube clip:

       o When you are on your YouTube clip, click ‘Share’ and then ‘Embed’. Copy the entire iFrame code and paste this into ‘Load from YouTube Embed Code’

- Video ID – Alternatively you are able to copy the Video ID directly from the URL. We will use the YouTube link below as an example: =wbNeIn3vVKM&feature=fvwrel

       o Take the code between v= and the ampersand &

       o You are left with wbNeIn3vVKM and this is your Video ID

       o Paste this into the Video ID section in your overlay

Note: Video ID’s are all different and some Video ID’s do not end with an ampersand. However the code will remain after v=

- Display

       o ‘Popup’: This requires a play button. When you click on your designated button, the YouTube video will pop up in the middle of the screen. Please upload your play button image to file manager. Tutorial video:

       o ‘In place’: The YouTube video will play in the area where you have created the overlay to the dimensions you create below. Tutorial video:

- Width and height of video popup (pixels) – There is an automatic Width and Height, however you can alter the dimensions. This is measured in pixels.

- Autoplay on load

       o ‘False’: The video WILL NOT PLAY automatically when turning onto that page.

       o ‘True’: The video WILL PLAY automatically when turning onto that page.

- Button icon – full URL to button image – This is the image that appears on the page to activate the YouTube video. We recommend using an image that directs the reader to click on it. Alternatively, if there is an image already embedded into the PDF that you would like to use as the play button, you can use the URL that is automatically in this field for a transparent image.

- Rollover icon – full URL to rollover image - This is the image that will appear once the reader hovers over the play button icon. This image can be the same or different to the play button icon.

- Loop Video

       o ‘False’: The video WILL NOT automatically replay.

       o ‘True’: The video WILL automatically replay.

Tablet Considerations

There are limitations for tablets you need to consider such as:

- Auto play does not work on iPad.

- The iPad app only supports one ‘in place’ video per page or spread.