There are some clear benefits of Realview over some of the cheaper providers out there, who may at face value 'appear' to offer the same thing as Realview, but in reality do not:

  • You will often be provided with a static piece of software with limited or no upgrades available. At Realview, you will automatically receive the benefit of every system upgrade we release, so that you are always on the cutting edge of technology.
  • You will receive no support from many of these companies. Whereas at Realview we pride ourselves on our customer service. You would be assigned an Account Manager plus a Customer Support Manager all based in Australia, to help you get the most out of your publication.
  • Realview’s publications are built using HTML5, not Flash as other suppliers often are. This means that our eBooks are highly customisable, and can be branded to suit your company. Plus your publication is seamlessly viewable across all devices including PC, MAC, iPad, Android Tablet and Smartphones.
  • Realview also offer a wide range of advanced interactivity not available with other suppliers, including: video, image gallery, hyperlinks, twitter feeds, pop ups, polls and HTML.
  • A unique offering of Realview, we can create App versions of your publications simultaneously on iPad, iPhone, Android tablet and phone.