If your publication uses the Realview subscription system then you will have access to your database of subscribers through PAC.

To view or edit a subscriber account in PAC:

1.  Login to PAC, and select the publication you which to add the subscriber by expanding out the publication tree:

2. On the toolbar, select Manage Subscribers:

3. Enter your search term and click enter.

A list of all accounts which contain the search term will appear. Select the relevant account.

4. This will then load up the complete record for the subscriber. 

From this page you can:

- Modify their personal, company, or account details

- Manually subscribe them to a new subscription (READ MORE)

- Update their password

- Add them onto the mailing list

- Make their entire account or certain subscriptions active/inactive

- Send them an Welcome, Reminder, or any other email that has been created for the publication